Services Costs

The core operates on a charge back mechanism to the investigator's research projects. The costs vary based on the comprehensiveness of the analysis to be performed. Please review the service request decision tree on the Analytical Services page to help you plan the lipidomic analysis required for your research. Costs provided under Cost estimation are ONLY estimates. Final cost estimation will be provided to the investigator after submission of service request.

Users from Wayne State University can login with their University credentials at: WSU Core Facilities Management

New users must sign up for an account at: iLab Solutions

Or Sign Up through your Institutional iLab Account and request access to Wayne State University Lipidomics Core Facility.

All users must acknowledge NIH grant support for the Lipidomics core in their publications with the following text:

This study was supported in part by National Center for Research Resources, National Institutes of Health Grants S10RR027926 and S10OD032292.

Service Cost: A summary of costs for services are available here.

(The rates provided are for estimation by academic and other non-profit research organizations only. Actual analytical details and costs will be known only after extensive consultation with the core personnel).